Neighbors in the Know

Join us in changing the culture of community input.

Instant Input is a new way the community to be in the know about major projects happening in their neighborhood.

Discover and track projects in your community in real-time. Learn important project details like the size, current status and timing of the project. You can provide feedback instantly, and get alerts when updates happen to projects you follow.
Stay in the know with Instant Input.

Be in the Know

Until now, public participation in major civic projects has been limited to the few. Public stakeholder meetings are notoriously under-attended and not representative of the diversity of our communities. For one, these meetings often take place in the middle of the work day at a physical location. As a result, critical information and decisions are being dominated by a small, homogenous group of post-worklife Americans. This isn’t ideal for anyone,  doesn’t sound like a very good way to build a growth-oriented future because it isn’t. 

For the Future of Our Communities

Instant Input’s mission is to enhance the fabric of our communities. We are doing this by offering a public engagement tool that lowers the barriers to public participation. Now everyone of any background and circumstance has equal access to information and decisions that shape our shared future. 

How Instant Input Works







FAQs about Instant Input Citizen Engagement Software

For Communities

Instant Input is a platform that project owners such as municipalities and private developers use to share project information and gather feedback from local community members. Instant Input gives residents a voice in the future of their communities. 

Instant Input helps with transparency and accountability by making project data accessible on the Internet, facilitating feedback from a diverse cross-section of residents and enabling the tracking of project progress, budgets, decisions and outcomes. 

Instant Input is designed to be easily used without any special training. More broadly speaking, the Instant Input blog and YouTube channel offer tips on effective public feedback and activism. 

The Instant Input platform is completely free to use for members of the public and includes features such as project owner surveys, commenting and public meeting schedules to facilitate community input. 

The Instant Input platform provides a simple framework to educate members of the public about civic participation through the process of engaging in it. Additionally, the Instant Input team continuously develops content and tools in support of civic education and public awareness.